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Absence & Attendance

How to report when your child is absent, and how to request absence during term time.

Reporting an Absence

You must phone the school before 10.00am to record your child's absence. Call the Office on: 01903 714325. You will need to call every morning of your child's absence.

If we do not hear from you, we will make contact with you to confirm the absence as part of our safeguarding procedures.

Returning to school

On returning to school after an absence of 2 days or more, you must provide a letter of explanation for the period of absence. This letter is linked to the attendance register to match the absence and code accordingly. 

Sickness and/or diarrhoea: There is an exclusion period of 2 full days (48 hours) for children who have sickness and/or diarrhoea. This is to stop the spread of infection within the school as detailed in the 'Guidance on Infection Control in Schools' advice to schools.

In the case of sickness and/or diarrhoea children do not need a letter unless they are absent for 3 or more days.

Requesting an absence during term time

The Government considers that children should attend school on every day the school is open for pupils unless there is an unavoidable cause such as illness or other exceptional circumstance. Parents should always provide the school with a reason for an absence. It is then the schools decision whether to record the absence as authorised or unauthorised.

For all absences during term time for exceptional circumstances you will need to complete an Absence Request Form and provide copies of accompanying paperwork. The request for absence must come from a parent/carer with whom the child normally lives.

  • Absence Request Forms can be obtained from the School Office

Why Attendance matters

The law states that every child must receive a suitable education appropriate to their age, ability and needs. It is the responsibility of parents/carers to make sure that all their children of statutory school age are receiving an education. The overwhelming majority of parents/carers choose to send their children to school and having done so they are then required to ensure that they attend regularly.

National research shows that children who attend less than 85% of the time do significantly less well at school. 

An attendance rate of at least 93% and above is considered necessary for a child to benefit fully from the education being provided. The Government’s recommended figure is 96%. If a child’s attendance drops below 90% but is still above 85% the school will contact parents/carers as early as possible to advise them of their child’s attendance/persistent lateness and provide appropriate support if required to help to improve the child’s attendance/punctuality. 

In line with new government guidance, our local authorities policy, and in consideration with other local schools, we will be following the details outlined in our attendance policy from Wednesday 4th September 2024. 

This includes the issuing of fixed penalty notices for unauthorised absences during term time.